Status Update

No Paperwork. I just inform them I have implants BEFORE I got through the scanner.
They will redirect me to the radar scanner and I can avoid the hand scanner and pat-down.
Shop (Actually Shoulder) Update [or Update Updated?]

Time for an update!

Had the replacement surgery last Thursday (got moved up a week as someone cancelled/postponed/backed-out?). Not too sore, but being careful. Also fully off the narcotics (and over the bowel-related side effects). Doing some limited Physical Therapy at home and using ice to keep swelling down. Next step is 1st Post-OP visit & X-Ray to make sure everything is well next Friday (the 20th); X-Ray after replacement was good, and to set up real PT. Orthopeadic Sling will be with me until the end of January at least, so no Cabin Fever this in 2025.

The shop is in “compact mode” awaiting the quarterly Pest Visit and semi-annual HVAC checks:

20241209 Compact Shop rfs.jpeg

I also have several piles of “After Shoulder” projects waiting for me:

Papers have been piling up:

Papers to File rfs.jpeg

T-Slot Compound Installation (& video):

T-Slot Compound Project rfs.jpeg
[2 lower boxes are Taps & dies and holders]

There are 6 or 7 projects buried here:

6 or 7 Projects rfs.jpeg

In the meantime, trying to keep up with the forums and being my usual helpful(?) self.

Happy Holidays!
I'm gad to hear you're doing well. Thanks for the update and take care.