Stainless - Who Makes The Best Drill Bits And Taps On The Planet?

Without knowing what size hole you were drilling it's a bit hard the determine if that is fast. I think it would be too fast in 316 for a 1/4 inch bit. I also normally use a 50-65% tap drill in SS, rather than a 75% tap drill. Spiral point or spiral flute is best in SS.
The tap that snapped was 1/4-20 the drill bit was .125 I was just drilling a pilot hole for a larger bit.
I ordered a set of two flute M.A. Ford Hi-Roc drills today, designed for drilling hardened steels, stainless, nickel alloys, Ti, etc.
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Those are pretty cool. Do you have spiral point taps?
Jim taps are next on my list, still researching. I have an assortment of regular HSS taps on hand is all, some low grade china some made in USA, neither liked this stainless.
Those carbide drills are excellent, but be sure and keep the chips clear. They don't have the spiral of twist drill to help evacuate the chips. I use a steady air blast and peck those. Also, on breakout, the corners are delicate. I think once you get used to them, you will like them. I have a few special jobs I use that style on. Love them for it.
Hertell (from Enco) makes good taps, I also like the ones from Fastenall. I only buy spiral point or spiral flute taps, unless I need to get a junker from the local hardware store. Spiral point is what I use the most for general work , but spiral flute works good in stainless

Spiral flute

Spiral point





Jim do you drive those spiral flute through in a single pass? Does anyone have any thoughts on thread forming taps?
Normally yes. They are really designed for power tapping in blind holes. The chip is pulled out of the hole.

There is nothing wrong with thread forming taps. Not sure how they work in SS. I have a few 1/4-20 but I have never used them. Less prone to breakage than cutting taps.