After converting ZX45 Mill to CNC had to try a 3D project .. so made a speed handle .. wouldn't be without one now that I've got it.
That sounds like a very quick and simple solution. I'd just use a square or 8-point socket for the sleeve....
I'd been thinking of buying a handle with a hex socket, drilling it out and pressing in a square sleeve, but it'd be nice to avoid that and not add another project to The List.
I have an older Universal Vise & Tool milling vise with a 0.5" square stud and a missing handle. I've been making due with an 8-pt socket and a breaker bar, but seeing all these nice options for a vise handle is making me realize all the fun I'm missing.
Does anyone have ideas on how I might be able to get a better handle on my problem? Are the types of handles in this thread ever available with a 0.5" square socket?
I'd been thinking of buying a handle with a hex socket, drilling it out and pressing in a square sleeve, but it'd be nice to avoid that and not add another project to The List.
I have an older Universal Vise & Tool milling vise with a 0.5" square stud and a missing handle. I've been making due with an 8-pt socket and a breaker bar, but seeing all these nice options for a vise handle is making me realize all the fun I'm missing.
Does anyone have ideas on how I might be able to get a better handle on my problem? Are the types of handles in this thread ever available with a 0.5" square socket?
I'd been thinking of buying a handle with a hex socket, drilling it out and pressing in a square sleeve, but it'd be nice to avoid that and not add another project to The List.
Mine is 9/16" (if I recall) so I made one too. But I prefer the spoke style.
View attachment 75178
The weight at the outside seems to facilitate a speedy movement of the jaw. Nothing but a bolt head, some scrap and a socket from ACE.