Some people really think they struck gold.....

For that much money, we would buy the right tool for the job, new and ready to go, and still have $5870 left for other goodies.
I think the reason we see a lot more generic listings these days is because EBay has created listing functions that encourage it. I’ve recently been selling one or two items per week. (self induced purge). EBay now gives me the option to pick from and copy any other listing that EBay determines may be similar to the item I’m selling. They didn’t have that previously. I always had to make every listing from scratch. But now EBay gives me a few different listed items to pick from, with the explicit recommendation to copy it. I even get suggestions for what to call it based on the few words I provided. This opens up the flood gates for people to cherry pick from high dollar goods and proclaim they have the same thing for sale. They also tell me what to ask for it, which, has been generally accurate in most categories. But only because I actually know what I’m selling. Many don’t know. They just sell whatever comes in the door, for however much they can get, with EBay “assisting” them to list their items efficiently.

As for the topic at hand: I’m not surprised by the listing. Even less so after reading the sellers response to you. While you did make a statement with your offer, any decent vendor would have declined to engage you further. Low ball offers are expected, even on actual items of value. Hope springs eternal, y’know.
Thanks, this explains a LOT! I wonder if the MBA geniuses will ever get their attempt at marketing greed has basically destroyed what was good about eBay eventually. I can only hope so. But probably not.
Well my offer was declined. Imagine that. I was going to submit a $2 but the seller is not accepting bids from me. So everyone else will have to step up and bid:p

A little more digging and I think this seller just honestly doesn't know what they are worth. It appears when they got this lot they had a few "new in box" items in the lot that they picked out and listed separately. They have a half dozen or so like this:


I think they looked up the list price of these and having no machining experience or knowledge just figured the rest of the items had a similar value to these. They have sold thousands of items on ebay with no negative feedback, so it doesn't appear that they normally misrepresent things they sell. I think they just ventured into an area they had no knowledge of.
Around where I live this is a daily occurrence on Craigslist to the point I rarely even check there anymore. Looks like ebay is becoming like that too. With all the brand new offshore made products that are good enough for my purposes I see very little value in paying 10x the price just to have old name-brand stuff that's been used and abused. Sure there are good deals to be had and some stuff really is well kept and quality but that's not often what I see.
For me this just raises more questions. I have a somewhat mechanistic view of the world and process and procedure often indicates outcome. What has changed if they have no negative feedback? Did they go belly up and some clueless liquidator get this lot and is either trying to cover his reckless investment, or have they been hijacked by some unscrupulous troll who doesn't care about how they appear to other potential ebayers? Rep is EVERYTHING on eBay as its getting tougher to virtually weigh all the details of whether something is a good deal or not. I constantly more and more see where some guy on CL is selling off tooling. Usually huge lots and literally for penny's on the dollar. And if you think about it logically if it was in a job shop, it should be. They have already made their investment back potentially and it's now just about clearing stuff out so they don't have to invest time and energy to move it. I have bought huge lots of tooling this way on CL.