Some feedback about Android DRO, please?

Can someone let me know about the folks at blu-DRO?

I purchased one of these a couple of days ago but have heard nothing as of yet.


EDIT: just heard from them and they're shipping out immediately!!
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Will there be a selection of rastor images to choose from or they will need to be uploaded?
I just got my second Blu-Dro and I can't wait to try out the new version. Thank you for making such an awesome affordable product!
Does blu-dro support glass at magnetic scales?
This is from Yuri's website. The numbers after the brand or style scale is the CPI that needs to be programmed in order for the scales to give the correct feedback.
  • iGaging Digimag and AccuRemote - 2560
  • Standard (Sylvac) Chinese Scales - 20480
  • Harbor Freight Calipers - 2000
  • 5 micron Glass/Magnetic Scales - 5080
  • 1 micron Glass/Magnetic Scales - 25400
I'm thinking not, have only seen those for iGaging scales. Yuri does offer boards for quadrature scales on his web site.
Blu-dro is basically a TouchDRO iGaging board in a 3D-printed box. It supports only iGaing 21-bit and Absolute DRO+ scales. I sell a board that is designed specifically for Glass/Magnetic scales , but it doesn't come in a box. There is a kit that doesn't require any soldering (it comes with push-in D-sub connectors) but I'm out of stock currently and won't have more for at least 3-4 weeks. The regular board needs some soldering, and those I do have in stock. Here is the link:

I have the original IGaging scales on my G0704 now and plan on magnetic scales when the prices come down.
Do you know what LMS is selling for your touch dro"

View attachment 238230

This is a lobotomized version of my quadrature controller that SIEG is making and selling without proper license. I'm not sure thrilled about that, so I might accidentally make TouchDRO not work with that controller...
As DHarris said, you get get a ready-to-go Blu-DRO box from Al, or fully assembled board without the enclosure from my website ( Either way works: Al is using my boards in his new "black" units.

yuri are you still selling your dro controllers...what android tablet would you reccmend to run your going to attemp to use it on a 6x18 lathe
yuri are you still selling your dro controllers...what android tablet would you reccmend to run your going to attemp to use it on a 6x18 lathe

To the best of my knowledge Yuri is still selling the boards by themselves. If you want one for iGaging scales that is in an enclosure then look at the Blue dro site. As best as I know almost any android tablet with Bluetooth and android 4.0 will work.