So Excited!

New and shiny stuff! Something I have very little of... Congratulations, and enjoy!
I have a '59 Gretsch 6120 and a 1987 Hamer Steve Stevens DayGlo if you like to ADD to you guitar collection to feed my addiction!
For sure! 2 tone Cadillac smoke green, double anniversary....but with your style of guitar, I'd thought you'd appreciate the Hamer! I hate to take this off topic, but what do you use for pickups?
I built my own bass guitars when I was young, even built a neck once. I'm still friends with the luthiers apprentice turned master builder who inspired me.

I make my own pickups. I also made my own die sets to press the covers for the pickups. Except for the tuners, I make all the other hardware as well. My bridge is a tool-less bridge so no need for tools to adjust action and intonation. My need for a bigger mill is because right now all my hardware is made in c360 brass but I will be switching to steel soon. The scale is 25.5"