Take a rod or a piece of your tubing and blue/Sharpie the top. Bring the spinning saw over the rod or tubing and raise the table until it removes the ink. Then dial away to a safe position. Raise the table 1/2 the saw width, then 1/2 the rod/tubing diameter. You will be on center. Of course, just to be sure, run an indicator on the stock in the collet to be sure it is actually running true. Assuming things in machine work is not a good idea. You probably will find that your saw is "wobbling" a bit during this process. If it is wobbling much, you should skim the face of the arbor to get rid of that. It will affect the center finding as well as the quality of the cut.
Alternatively, if you have a height gage and indicator, you could do a little math and touch off the top of the rod/tubing and dial the height gage down to the halfway point, then raise or lower the cutter to hit center. Just always remember to allow for half the cutter width.