I finally got a quote back from a machinery shipping/hauling company in Helena today. $2300... Uh, no thanks.
One of the local auto repair shops recently bought out a small machine shop for the equipment and they recommended the company they used. It's a local trucking/towing company, but I talked to them and confirmed that they have all the equipment to move the mill safely. Best part is they are going by towing rates, so they gave me an estimate of about $175-200. That's to remove it from the garage, haul it to my place and then place it on the slab in the barn. They're scheduled to show up and pick up the mill this Friday around noon.
With that finally worked out, I stopped by the garage and prepped the mill for the move. The head and motor are now rotated 180* and the table has a small piece of wood between it and the motor. The table is now also moved back towards the column so it is centered under the motor and brought up to support it. All table, knee and head locks are tightened down to prevent any shifting during the move. Just to be on the safe side I also removed the DRO, side mounted tool holder and the table hand wheels.
The mill is just sitting on the floor so there weren't any bolts or shims to deal with. I'll be adding those when I start the levelling process though. Any sugestions on where to find big machine mounting sized shims? I think I remember seeing some shims at harbor freight a while ago, but didn't pay attention to the details since I wasn't looking for any of those at the time. Guess I'll go take a peek at their website.