Sheldon (Vernon) Model 0 Horizontal Mill Restoration.

Hello Jim, I just found your write up on the Vernon. Beautiful work. I too just completed a Vernon restoration and have a fairly clean front label I can snap a photo of if you are still in search of one. Apologize if I am landing on this thread too late.
Thank you, I'd very much like to see a clean label.
Here is a shot of my Sheldon 0 (I think). There are no product markings at all. The overhead support must be shop made by a previous guy, but it works well. Without power feed, it's not all that practical, but I've cut a few keyways with it. I added a 3" mill vise that is just mandatory in my opinion. And for the record, somebody else did the power switch. ;) IMG_9212.jpeg
Thanks guys. I've been playing around with Inkscape but being "left brained" it is a slow process. I'll get there, I really want to get the proper graphics on the mill.
By the way, I just bought a set of Collets with a B&S #9 collet holder for the little Sheldon mill. Local guy, paid $90 for 1/8" through 1" by 1/8th. I have to make a new drawbar but that's a straightforward project.