Sharpening Service - Fail

dang, that's an impressive screw up. Send 'em to me and I'll do them for chocolate. As long as they're not too out of whack, they should only take 5-10min each.
That is a bad job. I can do better even with my shaking hands and without wearing my glasses.
maybe surgical instruments do not have to be as accurate, and why we have such big scars.
Too bad about the sharpening.
I looked at Kinney's web site and found their price list. $2ea for 1/2" - 3/4" diameter drills seems reasonable enough.
The strange part is that it takes quite a bit longer grind a point .080 off center.
Anyway, My advice is to take the drills back and talk to the boss. Not with any expectation except reporting (and showing) what a poor job you received.
If the boss is worth his/her salt, they will re-sharpen in a proper manner (for free). If not . . . either way, report back.
By bringing the problem to the boss's attention, the perpetrator may get what he needs (training or :face slap: or the boot).
You could be doing a public service by protecting the next customer from the same experience.
If you don't show the boss, it never happened.
Those look like my last two sets from HF. I don't even measure mine. I just touch then on the grinder & back in the chuck they go. If they didn't cut so good I'd worry about measuring them. I like those long curly chips that come all the way back out of the hole instead of the little ones that stay down in there & chew the hole up as they work there way out.
I wonder if I can talk Honey into this... Perhaps a Darex...

Next time I'm going into the big city I'll have to remember them and swing by.
It's funny how since we moved out to the country, so to say - I rarely ever get to that end of Knoxville.
I've noticed that when having things done, you have to sometimes specify you want it done right- or else they may just do it their way.
dang, that's an impressive screw up. Send 'em to me and I'll do them for chocolate. As long as they're not too out of whack, they should only take 5-10min each.
Wish I'd started the thread earlier, I could have hit Walgreens and CVS for discounted Holiday chocolate. 75% off the other night. :grin:
that is cheap chocolate! You know the saying - only thing better than cheap chocolate is free chocolate :)