Seriously Nice Mystery Vise

Ima tell ya what I'm gona do , you pack it up real good send it to me . I'll use it for seven or eight years ,ifn I likes it after that I'll let ya know and send a few bucks to cover the shipping and I won't charge ya for the ckin it out . sound good to u does to me. ha great find anyway .
Love the vise. I'd be willing to take it off your hands. :D
That vise is cursed!
You are lucky you have survived the curse this long.

I strongly suggest you put it in a box and send it to me. Do it first thing in the morning.
I can see to it's proper disposal.
The rotary table is not that interesting. But you’re doing it to me again with that chuck and the bearing jaws!!! Maybe a burnisher or a live rest for the tailstock?
Talked to our tool grinder today and he has two of them, one of which he grandfather made as a tool and die maker when at Honeywell.
Wake Forest isn't that far from Weaverville. I'll come take that off your hands!;)
I'm a vise collector and I have never seen one like that... ever....