Scored A Faro Flex Shaft Grinder And Carbide Drills & Endmills

I have been using the Di Profiler filing head for about 40 years. They are still sold by Gesswein,and are pretty expensive. They have adjustable stroke,and will accept the handle of needle files,which is very handy.

They do get too hot after while,especially if run fast. I now have a unit from Gesswein that oscillates at 3000 times per SECOND. That is per second. It uses miniature stones to polish surfaces. Intended for mold work.
It tends to spray a fine mist of oil out of its rear end. I wasn't about to pay the $150.00 each for stone holders,so I just made myself a few. I also make the stones by belt sanding down pieces of Arkansas stones.
Well there was a little hickup today. I was called in the evening because someone had assumed the thread dial followed a lathe that was sold by the same seller. To cut a long story short, the buyer made such a fuss about it and the seller felt so bad I drove out with the thread dial to return it so that they could get rid of the buyer who was trying to bully the seller. They felt awful about the fact I paid, cleaned up the dial and was happy I finally found one that matched the machine that they asked me if they could throw together some stuff to make up for the money I paid, inconvenience and for the disappointment I felt.

Anyway, I didn't want to milk it at all as the seller is a genuinely nice guy and I had to firmly say to him that what they had offered me was more than enough and they needed to stop adding to the pile. In the end I scored a decent little multimeter, a variable temp soldering iron (a nice German made unit), some machine feet, a Mitsubishi 1.5 kW VFD, about 30 more new carbide endmills, a really beautiful little drill press / mill vice (super smooth with oil ports and no visible wear), a laptop wall mount and a little bit of HSS. The gent even threw in some batteries for the multimeter.

What's there to say, other than that good people dealing with good people inevitably leads to good outcomes.
Congratulations ... on many levels!