SB - How to Run a Metal Working Shaper for download

Ok, i finally got it and it looks good! Thanks for the file. Now if I could just find a shaper :-(


I have tried about a dozen times since you posted the link. It either times out or gives me a blank screen.

Randy, try right-click and save target as, then choose the directory to save it in.
Thanks Tony,
It worked like a charm. I will have to remember that trick.


If you like you can take the file and put it in the download section. BTW - Maybe we should have a separate section for "Shapers" in the downloads. I see there is a sub-section for SB Shapers along with the other SB stuff but I was thinking of a "Shapers" section with subs for SB, Cincinnati, etc. - just a thought.

Otherwise, glad to see everyone is getting a copy.

I put a copy on drive along with "Shaper Work - University of NY" which is a teaching aid for students. I will give them to you when Wayne and I come over to Murfreesboro.


Note added - I will try and find the link where I found the "Shaper Work" file and post it for the others. It is a large 57.1 MB file.

Fell asleep reading it lastnight