Resurface Saw Table Suggestions?

@ John. I believe we will stick with the center of the country. I'm pretty well bought in here with our house and three rentals across the street and next door.

Our pay scale is not the same as the coasts but prices to buy major things are not the same either. Tools and that sort of thing are the same pricewise if we can find them. This is an agricultural area so machine shop tools are not so common to find as industry cast off. Little industry leads to little industry surplus.

At this point I am leaning toward a second surface. Maybe a laminate table to fit over the CI. That way I am not making a permanent change and can resurface later if I obtain the appropriate tools later.

To remove a 32nd is going to take a long time, whatever machining method you use.Keeping it cool to prevent warping will be the most important part.
An auxillary table will take up a some of depth of cut.
I would suggest maybe 1/4" aluminum plate as a repair, gluing down laminate and such usually peels off after a short while, especially if exposed to heat(like the light). You could screw it down with flat head socket screws set flush. Keep it waxed to prevent oxidation (black marks) from getting on your work. Steel plate will work too, but harder to machine.
Posting on OWWM for parts is a good idea, someone will probably have parts
Taking off a 32nd. might render the table too thin. How thick is the table between the ribs? Next,that home shop grade jigsaw likely has pot metal parts inside the gear box to make the blade reciprocate. Deltas always did,and they are notorious for breaking down. I let a kid use my milling machine to make a new STEEL replacement part after Delta quoted him $275.00 for the crappy pot metal "Historic part" for his jigsaw. Just be prepared for more things to fix other than the table's surface. Easiest fix,as suggested,screw on a metal top over the original one.
Get some good grades of sand paper,(carbide, not the crap hardware stuff) starting with about 60 or 80 grit and a good flat block. Work it down till the pits are gone,finish with finer grdes till you get the surface you want. Cost ? about 10 bucks Time ?? about a six pack worth