Rescuing an abandoned Diesel 12 valve in Europe

After a long search for the lucas sensor i had no choice but to convert this car to a proper tractor, from electronically controlled fuel pump to a fully mechanical injection pump to a (Bosch pump). I had a spare XUD 11ate pump on a shelf from a burnt citroen that i new worked, i took it to my pump specialist to get it resealed and tested adjusted on a bench. 6 years ago that cost me 40 euros today it was 80 euros. With the pump refreshed i parked the red wagon in the small garage and began taking everything apart i had to change the injectors as well because of the different pressures. I had 3 sets of Td injectors and made me very close matched set thanks to my injector pop tester that bought some time back. The pump is driven by the timing belt so i had to time the pump i did it by eye and did get it correctly it fired up really quickly after bleeding the air out and now i'm driving it i also intermittently not turn the glow plugs on but i had a spare relay and changed it. its not as smooth as the electronically controlled but now it will run forever.