Reinforcing the HF 3 Shelf Cart

If it were me, I would add a plywood wheel board. Cut some plywood to the size of the base and sandwich this between the wheels and the bottom of the trolley. We use this method on road cases for heavy equipment.

I placed the saw on, and the cart still wobbles due to topheavy-ness.

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The problem is the wheels need to be outside the cart, not inside the base shelf. A wheel board would help stiffen it greatly. Better yet would be that the wheels are outside the shelf as on the heavier drawer cart they sell for $75. The second picture is of that cart with my compound miter saw on it. Problem there is the base of the heavier cart is still the same thin sheet metal.

This is why you guys have built your own from structural steel.


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I like having wheels under a cart so as to not get my big feet tangled up with them, but as far out to the edge as possible for stability. One easy fix for the wobblies is a bit of triangulation, top to opposite corner on the bottom on two adjacent sides of the cart. Granted, this somewhat limits access, but it helps take out the wobble.
Very interesting thread here. I've recently acquired one of these red saws, and I knew from the get go they would be minimal quality. My biggest challenge right now is getting all of the broken parts replaced, but that's another story :biggrin:
I do know I will be replacing or beefing up the wheel base on the cart too, as it is dangerous to even wheel it around as far as I'm concerned. I have some larger wider solid rubber wheels from another project, so that's the approach I'm starting with. I like the idea of more trays, but doubt I would ever use them much, so I think I'll just stay with the cart and work on stability. I'll post pics when I'm finished with that :thinking:

Nice work so far - hope you get the issue resolved.
If it were me, I would add a plywood wheel board. Cut some plywood to the size of the base and sandwich this between the wheels and the bottom of the trolley. We use this method on road cases for heavy equipment.

Indeed! I think you have hit it- a wheel board will likely stiffen things enough to stabilize the flimsy bottom shelf drawer used as a base.

The sad part is look how much work I put into this- I bet if I just bought the heavier one, I would have been better off.

Question is- do I waste more money on 3/4" plywood to make a wheel board to stiffen it, or just get the $75 one on sale if it works. I am going to try the bandsaw on the one-drawer cart I have my compound saw on and let you guys know how it handles.
