Refurb on a Canedy-Otto-Cincinnati 16” Precision Bench Drill Press

I would be looking for a lower quill speed for that drill press, if the machine seems stiff enough to handle it...
1750 RPM matches the sales catalog speed ratios.
I broke down and bought a motor.
Any idea if a link belt will be ok for this application?
1750 RPM matches the sales catalog speed ratios.
I broke down and bought a motor.
Any idea if a link belt will be ok for this application?

I would have no reservation using the link belt.

The linked Grainger page has a few .pdfs accessible at the bottom of the page.
After a cursory scan, I didn't see any reference to rated HP. I did see speed information.
If info in those .pdfs don't answer all of your questions, I noticed they include an 800 number for Fenner Drives.

385 rpm minimum quill speed seems far too high for me for a drill press that can support larger drill sizes like 1 inch or more on steel. I find that being able to accommodate lower speeds is more important than spinning little drills at high speeds, just takes a little longer at the slower speeds with smaller drills. 385 rpm is probably far too high for best results when using 3/4" drills on steel. I would be looking for something more like 50-70 rpm for a minimum speed on a 17" drill press.
385 rpm minimum quill speed seems far too high for me for a drill press that can support larger drill sizes like 1 inch or more on steel. I find that being able to accommodate lower speeds is more important than spinning little drills at high speeds, just takes a little longer at the slower speeds with smaller drills. 385 rpm is probably far too high for best results when using 3/4" drills on steel. I would be looking for something more like 50-70 rpm for a minimum speed on a 17" drill press.
It has a 1/2" maximum capacity.
I'm refurbishing the drill press back to the original speeds offered in the manual I got off Vintage machinery.
The fact that you have 3 drill presses now makes all the difference. You can have the new one set up for special conditions and special kinds of work. That makes sense. Most of us do not have as much space for it all, and have to make one size fit all. Still, nice work you are doing there, Jeff!
The fact that you have 3 drill presses now makes all the difference. You can have the new one set up for special conditions and special kinds of work. That makes sense. Most of us do not have as much space for it all, and have to make one size fit all. Still, nice work you are doing there, Jeff!
Space??, I have the 20" Jet bolted to the floor, the small vintage precision DP is stuffed in a corner and this one is on my welding table.
One of these has to go!
I just can't seem to get rid of machine tools. Especially the ones that mean something to me.
Got the motor today.
Once I get the link belt, I’m gonna be ready to fire it up.
I’ll wire in the switch tomorrow.This is fun. I love saving these old machines from the scrap pile!
I’m in it about $375 = too much!
Let’s face it. It’s brand new. What’s it worth?
If I can’t get $500 for it I’ll give it to my wood working son.

Edit-added the switch mount =got it wired and running just fine!!


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Got her done.
I think I’ll try Craigslist for $650.
Drill press $10
Bearings (USA) $96
Motor $191
Belt $35
Pulley $94
Switch and 14/3 wire $19.
Paint $10

Clean up, tear down paint and reassembly, priceless :)

Edit: My wife thinks I need to add the belt guard. I think she is right. Maybe a bright color. Royal blue or hunter green.
It needs some TLC for sure.


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