Reamers For Donation

About the only ones I have interest in have already been requested so count me out, sorry for the hassle.

I'd like a 3/16, a V (2 thou oversized 3/8, right?) and something around 3/4 in size (not MT) for making some tool holders. i think that the 3/8 has been claimed, as has the 3/4. funnily enough i think i gave away a 3/4 to someone on here a while ago, doh!
doubleeboy , matthemuppet and anyone else

if something you need is on my list , you are welcome to them , i choose with future projects in mind , not by an actual need .
i'd be quite happy having any random reamers on hand , so dont be bashful , if you need it you can have it off my wishlist :)

far as im concerned , i can wait and take what ever random reamers are left after those who actually need specific reamers get them
doubleeboy , matthemuppet and anyone else

if something you need is on my list , you are welcome to them , i choose with future projects in mind , not by an actual need .
i'd be quite happy having any random reamers on hand , so dont be bashful , if you need it you can have it off my wishlist :)

far as im concerned , i can wait and take what ever random reamers are left after those who actually need specific reamers get them

This goes for me too, if anyone has a need for what I've chosen I'll pick again. I did try to mostly choose the sizes that had multiples.

bosephus, that's very kind of you! That 3/4" would be just the ticket - I'm planning one of those Norman post QCTP and being able to use a reamer for the toolholder holes would make life a lot easier. thanks!
I found I had a 3/8" reamer - it didn't have a size on it, so I miked it and it was dead on 3/8. How about that for serendipity!
This looks way to hard to keep up with.

If Ulma is over whelmed with the task I have another suggestion.

You could just put together a grab badge that a donation gets you a random package of reamers.

I couldn't imagine trying to keep up with this thread.
A big thank you to the guys who have generously offered to let go of a requested size or to even send me one from their personal stash. Matt, I have an 1/8" so not needed but thank you. My need would be for larger than 1/2" fractional, 5/8 and 3/4. Its no big deal really, I can bore carefully for those sizes and hit tenths usually, so that is good enough.

Regarding the grab bag idea, to save Mike trouble I think that is probably best idea and I would be up for that.

cheers to all
I'm sorry about that Michael. Using a reamer for the tool holders wasn't even something i thought about doing before I saw the list Mike put up, then I realised what a difference it would make if I was making 10 or more of them! If it ends up in my tool box you're always welcome to borrow it.

As for the grab bag idea, that's up to Mike, but if he can accommodate specific requests first and then put the rest into grab bags that would be a huge help. To be honest, he'd probably make more for the site selling these in bunches on eBay going from what I've seen them sell for, but I don't think that was necessarily the intent.
I don't have objections to grab bags, if the members concur .
it would take a little off the load, but i will stay the course if that would be the consensus.

Most of the reamers are spiral flute, there are some straight flute reamers in the bunch.
i didn't think to segregate by straight and spiral:eek:
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