Reamer sleeves?

I also considered the heat shrink tubbing. but i could not think of a good way to cork the ends. one end could be fitted with a filler and shrunk to fit but the other end would have to be removable. right now I am using clear vinyl tubing that I have superglued a dowel in one end and fit another in the removable end. It works, kinda bulky, takes up way more room in the drawer than I like , but better than nothing.
To close the end of heat shrink tubing ... have a bit of extra length, beyond what you're shrinking on. While the tubing is still hot, pinch it together with a pair of flat-nosed pliers and hold for a few seconds. The squeezed area will fuse together. Trim off any excess length.


it sounds like you'l be using un-shrunk material for your router sleeves, so this wouldn't work too well. You *might* be able to do it by placing a small drop of super glue in the end of the tubing and squeezing it together with pliers.