Rant: Big Brother Is Watching You!

I don't mind all my info being public.I just have a problem with anyone that uses my name and buying habits to sell to a third party for a profit. Where is my piece of that pie and why is somebody else eating it.
When I do a job it's my Name , knowledge and skill that gets me paid. Using my name to make money is picking my pocket.And that leaves a bad taste in my mouth. I might just be throwing rocks at a battleship but it is my name and I should be able to say how it's used.
****Just Saying*******G*********cartangrysj1.gif*****************************
So I guess then, because of the easy access and wealth of info on the net. That’s why the slime balls are making Billions on identity thief! Anyone that puts a selfie and their full name on the net is putting themselves one step closer to identity thief (hint!).
usflagani.gif With all this talk about cookies I decided to check my settings. I'm ruining a real old XP Dell using Opera as a browser {since Microsoft quit support} backed up by Ghostery cookie blocker.With this old clunker I have to be real careful about how much junk gets stored or my puter slows to a crawl.
Surprise surprise a new way to store data on my machine has reared it's ugly head.Flash Data.If you run Adobe Flash go to there settings page and check out what's stored there. Now they are not all bad but there are a few that have nothing to do mak
ing videos run better. Some want to store up to 100 Kb on your machine just to track your movements....All this junk slows down my machine....Who's machine is it?....Lets be serious here I choose who I invite into my house and yard....Why aren't those same rights extended to my computer?
Now y'all know I ain't no expert at this sort of thing.But when things go wrong and stop working right I keep pecking at it till I fix the problem and then find out what caused it to begin with. Then I stomp out the root cause and go about my life with another one in the win column.
End of rant ... I feel better now....
****Freedom ain't Free***It's paid for by someone else's sacrifice***G****usflagani.gif******

The best con I believe in this computer age is the rights agreement for software.
It takes effect once you open the wrapping but you cant read it until you open the wrapping.
An awesome con that we've let the industry get away with from day one.
The best con I believe in this computer age is the rights agreement for software.
It takes effect once you open the wrapping but you cant read it until you open the wrapping.
An awesome con that we've let the industry get away with from day one.
Much of that is unenforceable. Much of the rest is just a regurgitation of copyright law and would have effect with no agreement at all. The con is that people believe it.

Of course there *is* Free Software that involves no such agreements...
I've never heard that cookies or javascript can allow a third party to infiltrate your computer and somehow acquire your email address. I suppose that may be possible for someone with nefarious intentions, but I highly doubt that a reputable company would resort to something like that. There simply has to be a logical explanation as to how Kmart got your email address. Did you click on the Kmart ad through another site such as Amazon, etc., with whom you do have an account?
I used to worry about that, but not so much anymore. I pay all my bills online , buy online, bank online, delete the hundred or so emails a day and try to enjoy my time. My friend won't shop online or give out any info , but pays his bills with a check. He is very old and wary of everyone and everything. I told him " every time you give a check to a company, you just wrote them your name , address, and bank account number. It is no different than doing it online ". I regret telling him that as now he is frustrated and wants to run around and pay cash.
It is difficult unles you want to go off the grid like my cousin. He pays cash ( which he takes from a bank account listed at his parents address) , lives on a mountain he owns, no utilities, just him and his dog. He is about as close to untraceable as you can get, but I don't think I can live that way. Big brother... Look at me all you want..... You'll get bored and look elsewhere .

You can still pay with cash for your everyday transactions. And for your utility bills, if you can still pay by check, you can certainly pay with a money order. They still get your name and address, but the utilities know all that anyway since you have service with them. But, with a MO they don't get your bank account information. However, even if you pay at a store with cash, you are still being recorded on video cameras, so your transaction is still traceable. Remember, there's a "time stamp" on the receipt for each transaction. So, for instance, HYPOTHETICALLY speaking, if you were to go to a Bass Pro Shop and buy a 10" hunting knife with cash and then go stab a RANDOM STRANGER to death, it isn't that hard for the cops to figure out who did it. The knife will EASILY be traced back to a Bass Pro Shop. Once that is done, it is EASY to figure out how much the knife costs, go through the transactions and then match it up to a certain time stamp, and then match that up with video and your picture. I'm just making a point that its extremely hard to get away with anything in today's world with all of the monitoring everywhere, even if you use cash for everything.

Not to mention that the thought police already know what you're thinking, so if you do something, they already know its you.