So, I bought a couple non running bridgeports from a customer I trust. One has a locked spindle, this is the "parts " machine. The other has a bad motor and appears to be in good shape. Neither came with the handle to raise the knee.
I bought the renovation book someone recommended here. I am starting with the bad machine.
Would it be an issue if I chucked my 1/2" drill motor on the shaft that you turn to raise the knee? I can turn it by hand but it will ruin my wrist to do it that way. I have to raise it about 14". This is to follow the steps in the renovation book. To remove the quill housing you are supposed to raise the table to support it while you remove the clamping bolts.
What say the folks here? I am pretty sure that if I chuck it tight it wont spin on the shaft and it does move by hand, it's just alot of twisting without a handle.
I bought the renovation book someone recommended here. I am starting with the bad machine.
Would it be an issue if I chucked my 1/2" drill motor on the shaft that you turn to raise the knee? I can turn it by hand but it will ruin my wrist to do it that way. I have to raise it about 14". This is to follow the steps in the renovation book. To remove the quill housing you are supposed to raise the table to support it while you remove the clamping bolts.
What say the folks here? I am pretty sure that if I chuck it tight it wont spin on the shaft and it does move by hand, it's just alot of twisting without a handle.