I'd like to modify the suggestions a little so far. Removing material from the bottom of the tee nut is the normal way to address this, because if you recut the two rabbet cuts, you do need to pay close attention to the parallelism and accuracy of matching the two cuts to evenly distribute the pressure from tightening the post to the top of the compound. You could conceivably even crack the compound in an extreme case. Removing material from the bottom is far less critical, since no contact is made against this surface when the toolpost is mounted. All force is applied upward, against the two shoulders. I have seen other guys even remove enough material to fit the slot with an angle grinder, test fitting as they went. Wasn't pretty, but it worked. The case being, the bottom does not need to be absolutely parallel with the top, or shoulders as long as there is clearance in the slot. Ideally, there is not excessive clearance there, as thinning the tee nut weakens it. So if it is possible to maintain a reasonable parallelism, then only a minimum needs to be removed and the tee nut stays as thick as possible.
Just like Tony said, I've seen a couple of compounds that were broken due to this situation. Facing a few thousandths off the bottom is the way to go.
Another perfect job for a shaper. Although I did not use the shaper, I chose to grind edges of the top until I
got a fairly good fit. I dont think its all that critical, what is critical, is the top (compound) & bottom of the post.
I know it would be perfect with the shaper again faster with air grinder. After all its really a square nut.
Hey, I was out of town and couldn't get the internet. Thank yall for the respones. What.I wanted to be sure of was to never be above center.

If I am a 1/8" or so low is that good, or do I need to be pretty close to center.
Tony is absolutely right. You should not mess with the body of it. I got so involved with trying to understand what he was saying/asking I didn't see the tree for the forest.
That's one of the reason to have this forum. So folks can double check the questions and answers.
So Jonathan-----The top of your cutting tool on a lathe should ALWAYS be on or below center never above !
Thanx Tony
