So, the back half of the garage was now much better than what it once was going back to the first pic but.....
It was now quite echo-ee in there....and far to bright with everything white...
I decided that cork lining the boards might be a good idea to tone down the brightness and to hopefully absorb noise so it didnt costantly feel like an empty room you decorating....
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haha...yeah i have a lot nice to get a mill in there when its done...Im quite liking the pm940's if im honest...I learnt on a little X2 mill...made quite a lot manually on that little beast...the PM is justva massive version of that so would like one....Nice job. you made me work almost as hard as you to see those pics..
Looks like a much improved space. Can't wait to see you load it with tools and make something.
unsure what you mean i can see the pics perfectly fine....Your pics are the dreaded red x's cant see them, search "how to post pictures useing tapatalk
Looks like a lot of them
Ps , where is grimsby ?