What material are you boring, and what final hole size, and how deep a hole?
The boring bar should extend from the tool holder only slightly more
that the final hole depth. What size drilled hole are you starting
with? If the final size is a large hole and the starting hole is
small, you may need to start with a small shank boring bar, and then
switch to a large shank as soon as possible. The bit tip needs to be
right at center height to avoid digging in if too low, and rubbing and
chatter if too high.
There are several books available for learning. The best IMO is book
from England by Sperry, called, (I think), The Amature Lathe. That
will show you in detail how to grind HSS bits which are probably what
you should use on a small lathe. A 3/8 and a 1/2 steel boring bar,
with slots set 90 degrees one end and 45 degrees the other end for 1/4
or 1/8 in HSS bits work great. These are 50 cent items at garage
sales and swap meets or a nice afternoon project to make. You do not
have to have square holes for the bits, just clamp down tight with a
set screw at the end.
My mentor keeps reminding me that you will learn more and faster by
always experimenting on scrap first.
Sorry about the length of this missive, but if you are a newby, these
things are important to know. Also join a home machinists club if
there is one in driving distance.
Good Luck and have fun,