Thanks Randy. I think I'm going to send an email to Jacobs and see what they say.
so at .oo05" I would polish the bad jaw until it just fits might only take .00025 to get it to fit and at that number runout will be minimal at best. at least you will have a chuck to use with no additional cost. you might have got a hole at the very least of its tolerance and a jaw at the very most of its could happen. I repeat polish it until it just fits bill
]Sometimes, the jaw will go in if turned 90 degrees from normal and go in. If you can get it to do just that, twist the jaw several times to get a dull spot in the ID of the chuck body. This would indicate positive metal that needs to be removed. Now it the jaw will not go at all turned 90 degree, then it could be the jaw. I have polished the jaws too to get them to go in.
as far as I know there is not a numbered hole just the jaws and thread part so fit the biggest jaw into the largest hole and set the jaw sequence from there but I may be wrong about this been a long time since I rebuilt one of these. bill