A wee bit more done during 34'C and 82% humidity and no wind.
Clamp a side sheet between 2 lengths of angle iron and use my trusty hammer to fold it at 90'
Then release it and hold it against the angle to get the fold to 45'
I want this sheet to have a lip to hold the next sheets lip into so its flattened with a spacer inside the fold.
That orange aerosol capped can is the most important in the shop, mosquito repellent
So I've got this far.
The electrics are a circuit breaker, a switch and warning light for the fan, each element and the thermostat.
The copper pipe is the hanger and earth for the items being baked.
I opted to screw the sides on with tecs.
Its too uncomfortable to do any more. I got through 2 litres of water just folding those four edges of one sheet.