It’s been a while since I’ve posted a project; here’s a recent one. The backstory is my wife and I have a Super Bowl party with two other couples. Last year one of the wives asked if I could make memorial plaques for two of their horses and one of their dogs. Yeah, the request was from 11 months ago; I don’t rush into projects! Full disclosure is “IT WASN’T ALL MY FAULT!!!” I asked the friend to hit the web and search for “pet memorial plaques” as she wanted plaques but didn’t have any specific one(s) in mind. She isn’t great on the internet, so we did several months of back and forth before coming up with the ones below. Here are the results. These were made on a Tormach 1100S3 from 3/16” aluminum. The larger ones are ~14” x 8”, and the dog one is ~10” x 6”.
After engraving, the surface was D/A sanded with 220 grit to knock down the burrs, washed, air blasted to clean out the engraving, and painted with a black Dykem paint pen. The surface was sanded again after the paint dried, air blasted, and washed. Lastly, they were sprayed with a few coats of Auto clear coat paint to seal the surface.
Here are a few lessons I learned along the way which may help out others. I have several styles of engraving tools:
1/8" carbide engraver - wood and plastic
1/8" carbide engraver - wood and plastic
1/8" single-flute carbide engraver
Spring-loaded diamond drag engraver
I’ve found that the first two styles do well in wood and plastic, but not so well in aluminum and steel. Mine have a 60-degree tip which is prone to snapping in aluminum, even at a spindle speed of 5000 RPM, DOC of 0.015”, and a feed rate of only 5 ipm. The style with the single flute (like a spotting drill) worked best. I ran that tool at 0.023” DOC at 3500 RPM with a 20 ipm feed rate. The diamond drag works okay, but plows material instead of cutting. The drag leaves a higher burr than the spotting drill type and doesn’t get as deep of a groove. It works great in brass. I also use it to make scribe/layout lines on steel.
Another lesson learned was in my work holding. I didn’t show the setup; the 3/16” aluminum was initially clamped just on the ends with step clamps. I have a probe on the Tormach, one of the canned-routines does a touch-off in ‘Z’ and spits back the measured height. I found when sweeping the surface at several points that ‘Z’ was varying by about 0.015”. The math on a 60-degree engraving tool works out to about a 20% wider cut than the depth of the cut. For example, cutting 0.020” deep yields a cut 0.024” wide. If I ran the routine with 0.015” variation in Z, the line width would have varied by 0.018”.
My Tormach has a Saunders fixture plate which I swept to ~0.002” in variation across the surface; the problem wasn’t the fixture plate. I got the variation down to about 0.003” by clamping the aluminum blank down to the fixture plate every 4”. As my dad would have said, “Good enough for the girls we go with!” As an aside, the aluminum plate was not completely flat. I put the high side down so the plate rocked on the fixture plate and clamped it into submission.
Yet another lesson learned was checking the engraving tool’s length after each run. The CNC needs to know the tool’s length to control the depth of the cut. I’d have thought that carbide would win over the aluminum, but the tool wore (or the tip broke) during the first run about 0.008”. Dummy me threw the second horse plaque in place and ran the routine without checking the tool height. . .
The engraving was noticeably shallower with about half the engraved width. Of course, that was noticed AFTER I’d removed the plaque from the mill. . . In a case of being luckier than good, I use dowel pins in the Saunders fixture plate to set up blanks. So, easy peasy to put the pins back in the fixture plate, slide the plaque up against the stops, clamp it down, and run the routine again with the correct tool length.
In the “more than you wanted to know” department, the horse and dog images were JPG-format files snagged off the web. The Tormach has routines to cut files in a DXF format which is a vector-based file format. It makes sense as the machine moves from (x1, y1) to (x2, y2) and needs specific coordinates. The web is full of DXF files, for a price. . . I found lots of JPG (pixel picture) files which I converted to a DXF file using Adobe Illustrator. There are many programs out there that’ll do the conversion though I’ve only used Illustrator, your results may vary!
Lastly, Tormach has an online tool called “Pathpilot HUB”; it is a WONDERFUL service! Their control software is called Pathpilot. You can sign up for a free account at Tormach’s website which gives you cloud storage and a virtual Tormach machine to prove out your routines. I wrote the routines on our home computer and uploaded them to my HUB account. Debugging was done on the home computer with a virtual 1100S3 running the routines. Then, out to my shop, fired up the Tormach, logged into my HUB account, downloaded the routines to the mill’s hard drive, and cut away. I can also download the routines onto our home computer from the HUB to archive them.
Running a prove-out routine in plexiglass
Tormach Pathpilot main screen
Thanks for looking!