Yes. Powder coat temp Wil booger loctite. A shrink fit will still hold.
Powder coat first??
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Powder coat first??
Sent from my SM-S911U using Tapatalk
Do you get the rusty rocks I frequently saw on the other side of the lake?After spending a day mowing, got roped into starting a new garden plot. Wife didn't like where the last one was, and wanted one closer to the house.
First step was plotting it out, then turning it over with the bucket to find the 'big' rocks. It's a small plot so only two nuggets in the 24" to 36" inch diameter class. Many basketball sized rocks, and a bucket full of grapefruit size rocks. Tilling exposed a whole pile of baseball to golf ball size. She's going to spend the next few days picking those out. We'll till again, and pick rocks again, rinse and repeat. Then I'll get a trailer full of manure and till that in. This new plot may not be ready this year, but at least it's started.
Also picked up an old cabinet from a relative's place. There's room in the garage until we can decide where to put it. I'm leaning towards a 'display' cabinet in the basement machine shop area for higher end, or old collectable tools. A safe out of the way corner, so it won't get damaged any further.
And we have a new batch of birds hanging around. There's got to be 20 of them, and they are uneducated as to what windows are. They keep popping off the house windows like popcorn. Fortunately then are just getting stunned, and after a few minutes are on their way again.
This little guy landed on the porch, so I put him on the handrail to get his bearings before the dog found him.
A few, but not as much iron ore here. Heading east 50 miles it starts there. There's enough of it there are active iron mines.Do you get the rusty rocks I frequently saw on the other side of the lake?