I've had "random positional vertigo" for the last 5 or 6 years, so I feel that. It's not very fun, and it's tough to do anything about it. Sometimes it'll straight up knock me off my feet, and a week later it's gone for the next three months. Sure earns me some dumb looks from people when I bellyache about it.
Generally during the summer it's hard to be under a car, my vertigo fires off. I guess due to higher temps, higher blood pressure.
But now, I'm dizzy if I lay down, if I am on my back it's like a drunken spin, very fast and I also can't look up..
Probably the most annoying part is trying to read or see small things, my eyes are not focusing right. That's the hard part. I lose interest real fast. Can't read stuff here, or even watch video on youtube, I just lose it. We are having dinner with Barb's friend on New Years Eve, so I'll find out what her dr thought. I will probably go to the Dr after the New Year.
When I was young, I was at a friends working on my car or his.. can't remember, safety kleen and stuff..I woke up the next morning not being able to stand. I was falling all over the place. I thought it was a chemical poisoning. Once I got to the point I could stand, I went to the hospital, my Ex drove me. ER Dr (idiot) thought I was hyperventilating so there was nothing wrong with me. Turned out he was a respiratory dr. I then went to another dr who said I have menieres.. I didn't. He then recommended a neurologist. My dad who was still alive said get out here and we'll go to mine. This is after 4 weeks... He was the first to look in my eyes, ears, nose and throat. He said you had a cold... I said for a day, I had swollen glands, he said it never went away it travelled up into your inner ear. I went to Columbia to see a specialist about why I was still getting dizzy years later , nothing... Finally in about 1990 an ENT told me about a new diagnosis another dr had found. He said you probably don't have that. He had me come in at another time after studying up on how to diagnose it, and I came up positive.. A microscopic hole, caused by the virus. He offered to operate, but the risk was high, extremely high.. I could be dizzy full time or worse the rest of my life. I decided to live with it.