POTD- PROJECT OF THE DAY: What Did You Make In Your Shop Today?

Woke up Christmas to Vertigo...
I hope that gets better soon... yikes!

On other news... finished the table frame.


Could not find XPS foam anywhere... so EPS it is... oh well... looks like is should work fine to hold the track and some scenery.



Now to move the projects out so that I can install the lift system...


I hope that gets better soon... yikes!

On other news... finished the table frame.

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Could not find XPS foam anywhere... so EPS it is... oh well... looks like is should work fine to hold the track and some scenery.

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Now to move the projects out so that I can install the lift system...

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OMG, sacrilege, leaning that up against your Porsche. You might scratch the paint.. Just for that, you'll have to give me the car.. you can then have more space for your RaceCar setup.

Thanks, me too. Looking good, too bad you couldn't get the urethane foam. More solid, it can take a beating. I'm wondering if it would be stiffer having the Aluminum foil on the bottom, since that will be in tension, and the top is compression.
OMG, sacrilege, leaning that up against your Porsche. You might scratch the paint.. Just for that, you'll have to give me the car.. you can then have more space for your RaceCar setup.

Thanks, me too. Looking good, too bad you couldn't get the urethane foam. More solid, it can take a beating. I'm wondering if it would be stiffer having the Aluminum foil on the bottom, since that will be in tension, and the top is compression.

I did place some towels in between... and the whole thing is super light... not a lot of weight leaning against it.

I thought about that... but decided to have the white side facing down simply for aesthetics... it does have a sheet of clear plastic bag on that side... if that helps in any way.

As soon as the XPS is back in stock, I see myself redoing it... but I want to play!! So I needed something in place now...

I've had "random positional vertigo" for the last 5 or 6 years, so I feel that. It's not very fun, and it's tough to do anything about it. Sometimes it'll straight up knock me off my feet, and a week later it's gone for the next three months. Sure earns me some dumb looks from people when I bellyache about it.
Not to get to personal but, any idea what the cause is?
Not to get to personal but, any idea what the cause is?
The root cause is a damn mystery to medical science. The apparent cause is little crystals in the fluid in the inner ear that trigger the nerves we use to orient ourselves. Basically, if I can move my head around and hang upside down I eventually get lucky and the **** crystals settle into somewhere out of the way. But every now and again, the bastards shake loose and I fall over trying to get out of bed. It usually calms down in two to three weeks, but comes back every 3 months or so. Makes sense why it's called random positional vertigo. I just avoid ladders and use handrails while it's active. It's more of an inconvenience than anything, but it's hard to understand for those who have never experienced it- hence the endless dumb looks when I explain why I'm not working on piers, bridges, or catwalks that day.
I've had "random positional vertigo" for the last 5 or 6 years, so I feel that. It's not very fun, and it's tough to do anything about it. Sometimes it'll straight up knock me off my feet, and a week later it's gone for the next three months. Sure earns me some dumb looks from people when I bellyache about it.
Generally during the summer it's hard to be under a car, my vertigo fires off. I guess due to higher temps, higher blood pressure.
But now, I'm dizzy if I lay down, if I am on my back it's like a drunken spin, very fast and I also can't look up..
Probably the most annoying part is trying to read or see small things, my eyes are not focusing right. That's the hard part. I lose interest real fast. Can't read stuff here, or even watch video on youtube, I just lose it. We are having dinner with Barb's friend on New Years Eve, so I'll find out what her dr thought. I will probably go to the Dr after the New Year.

When I was young, I was at a friends working on my car or his.. can't remember, safety kleen and stuff..I woke up the next morning not being able to stand. I was falling all over the place. I thought it was a chemical poisoning. Once I got to the point I could stand, I went to the hospital, my Ex drove me. ER Dr (idiot) thought I was hyperventilating so there was nothing wrong with me. Turned out he was a respiratory dr. I then went to another dr who said I have menieres.. I didn't. He then recommended a neurologist. My dad who was still alive said get out here and we'll go to mine. This is after 4 weeks... He was the first to look in my eyes, ears, nose and throat. He said you had a cold... I said for a day, I had swollen glands, he said it never went away it travelled up into your inner ear. I went to Columbia to see a specialist about why I was still getting dizzy years later , nothing... Finally in about 1990 an ENT told me about a new diagnosis another dr had found. He said you probably don't have that. He had me come in at another time after studying up on how to diagnose it, and I came up positive.. A microscopic hole, caused by the virus. He offered to operate, but the risk was high, extremely high.. I could be dizzy full time or worse the rest of my life. I decided to live with it.
I did place some towels in between... and the whole thing is super light... not a lot of weight leaning against it.

I thought about that... but decided to have the white side facing down simply for aesthetics... it does have a sheet of clear plastic bag on that side... if that helps in any way.

As soon as the XPS is back in stock, I see myself redoing it... but I want to play!! So I needed something in place now...

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Oh man those look awesome.
The root cause is a damn mystery to medical science. The apparent cause is little crystals in the fluid in the inner ear that trigger the nerves we use to orient ourselves. Basically, if I can move my head around and hang upside down I eventually get lucky and the **** crystals settle into somewhere out of the way. But every now and again, the bastards shake loose and I fall over trying to get out of bed. It usually calms down in two to three weeks, but comes back every 3 months or so. Makes sense why it's called random positional vertigo. I just avoid ladders and use handrails while it's active. It's more of an inconvenience than anything, but it's hard to understand for those who have never experienced it- hence the endless dumb looks when I explain why I'm not working on piers, bridges, or catwalks that day.
The reason I am curious is that I have noticed in the last few years that I have an issue with vertigo when I first get up in the morning, it doesn't generally last more than an hour if that long and I am okay but I find it disconcerting. I asked my DR about it and was told its part of the aging process not serious....
The vertigo thing is something I've been dealing with for over 3 decades.
If I play video games for a few hours, I'm going to get vertigo. Over the years I've had many different episodes and it's been narrowed down a few times to different things. Never once have the crystals been mentioned.
What always seems to take care of it is a dose of Meclazine. It's reported to be the same thing as Dramamine but no way. I've taken both.
Meclazine wipes me out for 12 hours but it ends the episode(s). Dramamine doesn't do squat.
Bottom line, sometimes you're just dehydrated and the equilibrium fluid gets thick and an ear plumbing is smaller on one side or the other and it can't move right. Since I try to stay hydrated now, I don't get episodes much and when I do it's mild.

It's the best I've come up with.

I will say that, at one point, the doctor said I should plug my nose and build pressure to help unplug the passages and when it did, one time, the room spun immediately and I couldn't even sit up for well over an hour. I couldn't move if I tried or I'd fall over. The doc said that was the most telling because there's only a couple ways that could happen. Since I didn't have a stroke or a punctured ear drum... etc.

Something fun to do when you have vertigo is to sit with eyes closed and turn your head from side to side. You'd swear you're turning it up at an an angle (curve).
Years ago after a horse accident I started getting random vertigo. No consistency at all. I can go months or get it several times in a month. Generally hits when I'm in the air, ladder or scissor lift, etc. Ladders are really scary. Sometimes it is severe other times not to bad. One morning I felt and heard it in my ear, made me nauseous for the day. Not fun

I've seen videos of some methods of head movements that supposedly help. I haven't tried yet.