Kind of a shop activity... Sorted my drill bits and put them in my new Huot index boxes. The number drills were tough. The markings are so hard to read in the intermediate sizes and non-existent in the small sizes. Eventually just got the micrometer and simply measured them - it was a lot faster that way. The marking orientation is dependent on the manufacturer, some were right side up, some upside down and others sideways. Some drills just didn't have any visible markings at all. I'm missing a few bits, and have some duplicates, but overall, have nearly a complete set of jobber fractional, letter, and number drills plus some duplicates.
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A few need sharpening, or a touch up. Going to have to look for a Drill Doctor, or something like that. Been one of those items that I have put off buying. Now have enough drills (these and others that I haven't tossed) that need some work that a Drill Doctor seems worthwhile. Eyesight is not good enough to do these by hand anymore.