POTD- PROJECT OF THE DAY: What Did You Make In Your Shop Today?

Well… I will stick with it… I warming up to it… and to not redoing it :p

You're pretty good with a rattle can. :grin:

You jumped from pictures of vintage parts to primer.

Looking at the reflection and high gloss, I've got to ask. How did you remove the paint and rust?
Looking at the reflection and high gloss, I've got to ask. How did you remove the paint and rust?
I first tried with paint remover... the original paint on the lamp just laughed at it... so I took this

1:4 in. Angle Die Grinder.jpg

and went to work on it... finished anything that was left with a razor blade, and the harder to reach got done with an x-acto knife...
Looking at the reflection and high gloss, I've got to ask. How did you remove the paint and rust?

I just realized that I did not take a photo, to share, of the part completely stripped... Here you go...


The bolts, unless those are a special kind, I just replace with stainless steel... I do save the originals because, like in this case, they have some cool letters or brand on them... these have that "M" or "W", not sure what they stand for... but I will keep these...

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