A Community build starts with picking a project to make and dividing up the parts between the people. Say we pick a Pantograph to build and there is 10 different parts to make and there is 10 people that joined the build. Each person would make 10 of the parts that he picked to make and he would save one for himself and send the rest out, sometimes to one person or to 9 different people. When the project is done everyone will have a complete Pantograph. The costs involved on the project will be divided up fairly at the end, as shipping and material of big and small parts cost different. Everybody in the group and the forum will help on advice if needed as some are new to machining and some have been doing it for awhile. Pick a part that you have the machine to make it on. The specs. of the project will be set at the start, but could be changed later if everyone agrees. Everyone will have drawings to make the parts from. Any other questions please ask.