They sent new bearings. I put the lower bearing on last night I didn't feel like moving stuff to use my press it's also to heavy to move the lower support since I'm recovering from back surgery and not supposed to lift more than 10 pounds. lol and my helper just had shoulder surgery so I've got a lil creative moving stuff around trying to get this done.View attachment 267798I just put the spindle in the freezer and made a lil aluminum adapter that fits the top of the bottom bearing and the bottom of the top bearing slides into a Pipe all it took was a lil bit in the freezer and a lil tap and they went right together
That's great! Have you chosen some good quality spindle grease? For info I used Kluber Isoflex NBU 15 when I rebuilt my spindle. I also converted to angular contact bearings but that doesn't make a difference. Just more info that doesn't apply to your rebuild.
Good luck!