I recieved my PM45-CNC about a month ago. It tool two full days to get it un crated and mounted on the cast iron stand. Another full weekend to figure out how to get Mach3 talking to the motion control board and then another couple of weekends learning CAMBAM, Mach3 and machining enough to produce my first part (a 6061 Lego block). I broke two end mills in the process (well three as I just waisted a 1/2" 4 flute end mill by overheating it. I am sure it could be sharpened but that is yet another thing I have to learn) and just yesterday finally got it so that when it gets a speed command list S2000 it turns something close to 2000 rpm.
So, are you still have problem with getting the spindle to turn on? I would be happy to share my Mach3 configurations if it will help.