That's very interesting. I had a similar issue when I first started running the Acron and it was very frustrating, I chased it back to a miss wired +24vdc on the input strip. I missed it by one terminal and it was going into an input terminal, not the +24vdc terminal. In my chasing I also realized that the common between all the axis terminals were not always ringing out with continuity, so I jumped them all together. I don't know it if really helped anything, but it certainly isn't hurting anything.
Anyway, was playing around with tuning again last night. I think I have the X and Z nailed, however the Y is fighting me... I Just need to figure out how to fixture the 1-2-3 blocks better.
Let me know if the video doesn't work...
Anyway, was playing around with tuning again last night. I think I have the X and Z nailed, however the Y is fighting me... I Just need to figure out how to fixture the 1-2-3 blocks better.
Let me know if the video doesn't work...