No problem Doug, happy to try help.... but its tough to help from afar and obviously things went sideways with the idea of removing the relays. a curve ball. Just try to put that behind you and keep at it. Things will pick up for the positive... just a little hurdle...
So, here is my homing setup just for reference :
I believe I moved my home limit stop positions from the way it shipped. This all may be something you know already, but I figure if not, its good for me to go through it again to further engrain.
My homing sequence is Z , Y , X
If I’m sitting left of the center facing the mill, the head moves up when homing Z ( towards zero in a positive direction ) . When homing Y the “saddle” moves away (toward the column/ towards zero in a negative direction ) . And when homing X the table moves away too ( towards zero in a negative direction ) . All while I’m sitting left of center facing the mill.
So Z is the only “odd” direction but its best ( in practice / use ) if the Z moves up and away to home rather than down which could quite possibly crash if you have a tool holder in the spindle. I believe the nMotion actually had Z try home going toward the table, if you can believe that ! I've tried to erase that memory, however
In this setup my fixed HOME stops are located up toward the top of the fixed Z column. Near me ( sitting left of center ) for the Y ( attached to the base ). And Near me ( sitting left of center ) for the X ( the home limit stop is attached to the Y “saddle” )
The best way to think about "positive and negative" in the DRO is : the cutter is the reference. So when the X axis is moving right to left the CUTTER / END MILL is “moving *relatively speaking* from left to right ( *relative* because the cutter isn’t actually moving at all ). In this scenario, the X axis DRO is moving in the positive. Same is true of the Y axis, In other words, If the table is moving back to front ( the Y “Saddle” ) , the relative movement of the cutter/end mill is moving from close to you to the back ( if you were actually sitting on the table and moving with it ).. so the end mill is (relatively speaking ) moving in the positive direction, so the DRO increments the number in the positive direction.
Z , the cutter actually moves with the head. So its sort of backwards to what the X and Y do. So when the cutter moves up, its going positive, and when it moves down…. you guessed it… negative ! lol So, every move toward your work piece in the Z axis is negative.
Hope I got all that right !