PM-30 Conversion project

Hi Shawn - I just embarked on this journey, myself. Purchased a PM30-MV which is sitting (torn apart) in my garage waiting for Arizona99s kit, which is on its way as we speak. Also on its way is a closed loop stepper kit (12Nm Nema34 from Fast2buy) and the AcornV4 from Centroid. Would love to connect with you and learn from what you've done so far.

I have the Arizona Video kit installed. The mill bolted down. The mill trammed in. X < .0015 Y.0005 Vise .0005. Limit switches are installed. Machine homes itself. Need to check Mill NOD on Z, then should be good. Next up is setting Backlash compensation. I get to work on this project an hour or so at a time, but it's coming along.
I have been running the PM-30MV using the Arizona kit and Centroid Acorn controller. I am very happy with the way it working. I'm working on a power drawbar now.

Please feel free to hit me up it you have any questions. You can follow my adventures on Instagram @3dmakerzone.
this thread might be dead but what the hell...

does anyone know of any drawings out there for the pm30 conversion. All the parts that need to be machined.