Plinth For Qctp On 9 X 20 Lathe

Hi Brino,
I dont know any better so just went for it.
No annealing, just used my "metal putting on tool" with general purpose sticks, I let it cool for about 5 mins then dumped it in the sink with the tap on. Steam everywhere.
The initial cut on top of the beads was tough and a bit noisy but once through the surface I barely noticed the difference in the materials.
After the huge interupted cuts facing the base plate sides the welds were small potatoes.:D
Thinking about it now I've never had a problem hacksawing welds, mind you I expect hard facing rods would be another story.
I can just visibly see the difference in the two materials if I look very hard but that maybe just because I know its there.
Those lines that are visible are turning marks that I didnt polish out.
I used hss tool bits as I'm waiting for new belts so cant get up to carbide speeds.
I treat mine as a metal hot glue gun lol
Now that I’ve caught up & figured out what you’re talking about: a reverse machining device,