I like that tail stock that's on yours, mine has the production type tailstock with the handle, got everything broken down, been working a lot on it, but I've got some engraving jobs that have been coming in so that's slowing me down. I bought a gal of the Evapo-Rust today for some of the pieces, Randy still hasn't sent me the elbow grease from Wisconsin : ) I've been cleaning on the apron here lately, I took the big hand wheel from the apron & knocked the handle out of it & put a bolt through the hole & chucked it up in a cordless drill and started cleaning it up on one of my 2x72 in belt grinders, had it almost to a mirror shine, started buffing it & the chuck on the drill came loose & it hit the floor and scuffed it pretty good so back to the belt grinder for a minute then I realized it was time for me to be in the shower so I could come to work this evening, anyway I'll get back in the middle of it Monday morning. Looking forward to using the Evapo-Rust, I've got a find some kind of tub to put it in. I'd like to build me a ER40 collet fixture to fit on my spendle for it. I've got a guy that's gonna help me get my 3ph wired up, I've got a 200 amp box for everything else but don't have the 3ph set up yet. I was lucky enough to have it at the back of my shop waiting for me & my shop is considered commercial so I can have it with no issues from the city, kinda grandfather in I guess. but that way I wont have to worry about phase converters. I've got a 40 ton press I'm working on for forging, a larger surfacing machine, 25 little giant hammer and the logan that will all be 3 ph. Looking forward to getting it all done, just not enough hours in a day. These stinking jobs get in the way. :nuts: