PET scan.


H-M Supporter - Silver Member
H-M Supporter - Silver Member
Sep 1, 2018
Had throat cancer 10 years ago. Radiation every day 5 months. Chemo once a week same 5 months.lost 86 pounds. Shrunk 2 inches. Two weeks ago ear,nose, throat doctor ran camera up nose down throat. Saw something he didn’t like. Going in couple hours to hospital for pet scan. Been having issues with throat lately. Hopefully nothing shows up.
Here's hoping it turns out to be nothing. All the best. Mike
Thanks much. Took Valium in hospital room. Pumped full of radioactive whatever and something else don’t remember what. Probably don’t want to know. Stuff has to go thru bloodstream then to big machine. Probably gonna glow in dark tonight. Valium not working yet. Or is it.