Well, I got Box #1 packed up and ready to ship before dinner tonight. Then after dinner, I checked my stock of flat rate boxes. No joy. Didn't have the one needed. So I drove the 10 miles to the post office. DURN IT!!! The !)(#&$#@#!@%?&* dinky little PO didn't have the right size boxes at their self-service kiosk, either!!!!! And of course, it's the weekend, so they'll be closed until Monday.
And I'll be busy a a one-armed paper hanger Monday, packing up the car for our trip back to AZ (hard deadline in play).
Brian, please be patient with me. I'll get it mailed off from the Tempe post office ass soon as I can. We'll be on the road Tuesday thru Thursday, and I plan to get it sent no later than Friday.
Here's the stuff I took - mill vise stop, Starrett indicator mount bar, double ended carbide insert lathe tool, bunch of cemented carbide boring bars, cutoff tool holder, height gauge blade, 3" ruler, swarf rake, and some shim stock. I discarded a soapstone because it had broken into a large number of very short pieces in transit.
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