Parts Depot real or scam?

Scam sites like this can be easily created with a web scraper and a line of code that applies a discount to the initially scraped price.

I even did a quick calculation based on my previous projects and it would take around three hours to scrape a hundred thousand product pages for basic product information.
it doesn't matter, it's a fake site in my mind. There are many... too many ... and no one really does anything about it, we have laws, but no money or teeth to go after them.
it doesn't matter, it's a fake site in my mind. There are many... too many ... and no one really does anything about it, we have laws, but no money or teeth to go after them.
It's very difficult for our laws to govern those in other countries, where I suspect most of this originates.

The site is totally a scam, just look in every category and set the filter for prices high to low, nothing on the site is over $299. Thats because no authority is going to waste their time trying to investigate and the victims probably won't pursue legal action for such low dollar amounts. Last year scams fleeced people out of $10 Billion in this country alone!
Crime seems to pay fairly well on the web.
Every where. And most crooks have figured that out. Too many and not enough time or care. I remember how Steve Jobs phone theft had many detectives chasing it down, but you and I would get none of their attention.
Scams and cons are ubiquitous. They all work on the same principle of triggering the greed of the victim. Making you want the prize so much you loose all common sense...
Scam sites like this can be easily created with a web scraper and a line of code that applies a discount to the initially scraped price.

I even did a quick calculation based on my previous projects and it would take around three hours to scrape a hundred thousand product pages for basic product information.

I believe the original site was It was probably a legit business that went bankrupt and someone is trying to scam based on their existing reputation, by making a new site that looks like the old one. Like someone pointed out, you can mistake one for the other if you are not paying attention.

In any case, no site that doesn't list legal information (street address, phone, registration name and number, etc.) is to be trusted. And you better attempt to verify that information is true, before placing any order.
When did it become popular and OK to scam people without regard?
The thought of unscrupulous and greedy folks make me sick.
We should prosecute scammers with the death penalty
I've turned down plenty of good deals and hard to source parts based on my simple test- if the site doesn't have a US address (one that doesn't lead to an abandoned lot on google street view) and a contact number, I click the close box. Probably why McMaster gets so much business from me, but hey, at least my credit rating and sanity is still intact!