Parker Majestic #2 surface grinder

Wouldn't the bands have to be long enough for the table to reach both ends of its travel not just the center of the table? Or did I misread your post?
They are quite long actually.
They one that attaches to the right side of the table is 52" long and the left side is 32" long.
The challenge is that the bands are springy so if there's no tension on them they just uncoil.
I think I see where you're going though...they way it is now doesn't have enough unwound band to allow for the travel.
I will measure the distance between the two band attachment points on the table and make sure that the ends of the band span that distance.
Tried calling Parker Majestic... no answer... :(
For what it is worth I would not use plastic coated cable. Eventually, the plastic covering will fail and foul the mechanism or at least change the tension on the cables.

I’m leaning toward uncoated stainless cable. I’ll need to devise some sort of tensioning method. Sort of similar to what’s used on a clothesline.

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Was going through the McMaster Carr catalog yesterday. Saw that they do have spring steel banding in .010 thickness in 10,20,75’ rolls for around 20 dollars.

Thanks I will have a look!!

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I will be the first to admit I know nothing about surface grinders but I really don't like the idea of using cable if the spring steel banding is available whatever the cost may be.

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