OXA 250-007 Parting Tool Problem, Also lead screw speed problem

There's a trick to putting the tool on center: using the cross slide, gently pinch a steel rule or piece of thin straight stock between the workpiece and the cutting edge of the tool, with the rule pointing straight up. If tool too high the ruler will lean away from you; too low and it will lean toward you. Perpendicular is ideal.
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There's a trick to putting the tool on center: Gently pinch a steel rule or piece of thin straight stock between the workpiece and the cutting edge of the tool, with the rule pointing straight up. If it's too high it will lean away from you; too low and it will lean toward you.
Yes that's an old trick I learned a long time ago. I did do that with this lathe two or three times and made no difference in the cut. When you get to larger round stock that trick is useless but not in this case. Anyway I have figured out that with the cutting tools I'm using they have to be set below center in order to cut properly. Even with these link belts I have no problem with vibration and my lathe is solid level.Don't know why but "what ever works" is the way to go. Things work fine now. For me, on my lathe, sharp tool and few thou below center. Thanks
Sometimes, when I'm using an internal boring tool I find that setting it slightly above center works better and prevents the lower edge of the tool from rubbing-