The wiring isn't being overloaded at all, it was just the neutral wasn't connected. I don't know what specifically fixed the problem, but from my earlier testing, I think it was most likely either the meter itself or the wiring at the meter. The neutral wire, where the connection between the line to the pole and the line going to the power meter was, didn't have any current, but was right at 120V, which to me indicates that it was at least minimally connected to the transformer on the pole.
I'm not sure about the meter base, but the meter itself was replaced maybe 10 years ago or so, from the old style spinning disc style to a new electronic meter that they can read remotely.
And the connectors themselves, at least the ones connecting the pole lines to the house lines, looked fine, it was just the insulator around the connector that was disintegrating.
However, the insurance company wants the power line upgrade to 100A service, or at least is charging more because we have 60A service, because fewer homes in the area have 60A, and the ones that do are all older homes, so they are higher risk... Just as well, as the visible insulation on the wires going between the power meter and the pole lines, also looks pretty deteriorated from being exposed to the elements.
I'm not sure about the meter base, but the meter itself was replaced maybe 10 years ago or so, from the old style spinning disc style to a new electronic meter that they can read remotely.
And the connectors themselves, at least the ones connecting the pole lines to the house lines, looked fine, it was just the insulator around the connector that was disintegrating.
However, the insurance company wants the power line upgrade to 100A service, or at least is charging more because we have 60A service, because fewer homes in the area have 60A, and the ones that do are all older homes, so they are higher risk... Just as well, as the visible insulation on the wires going between the power meter and the pole lines, also looks pretty deteriorated from being exposed to the elements.