I’ve bought 10 new Mac’s since 1992, including the three I use regularly (including a 2010 MacBook Air in the Shop and a 2020 M1 MBA that runs my workstation). The previous ones included a Portable, a 20th Anniversary Mac, PowerMac G5, a couple of PowerBooks and a MacBook Pro (the third daily user, which I use so I can run a powerful third party PDF Editor that is no longer supported on the newer Mac’s). If you add in used Mac’s the total goes up to 17, including the 2017 MBA that we got our Granddaughter and my wife now uses after we had the screen replaced (Granddaughter now has a 2020 M1 MBA).
iPads: still have the 2011 my wife got me (even though I don’t use it); have & use Mini 2 & Mini 4, 2017 iPad & 2015 iPad Pro.
iPhones: still have original iPhone (lives inside the original box), and had iPhones 4, 6, 6s and currently wife & I have 14+’s.
Also have a couple of Video iPods (work great, but a tiny screen) and an iPod Mini.
The older Mac’s and iPads don’t run the current OS/iOS, but work fine. I’ve upgraded my Apple hardware to get faster performance (when needed) or to stay reasonably current with technology (my 2010 MBA has an SSD, but the original versions had hard drives - the same drives developed for iPods, but with higher capacity).
I have also owned a few PC’s, but only so I could run software required by my employers. Yes, Apple does issue new models frequently, but only peer pressure makes people buy a new iPhone every time one comes out.
Software? I can work with MS Office documents, and save documents to Office formats using the free Apple software that comes with a Mac. Even AutoDesk is publishing Mac versions (if you have the money).
Oh, and I’m Nikon all the way!