
Spent 3 hrs working in the garden yesterday afternoon, it was in the 90's I believe, and I just turned 79 three weeks ago.
Felt good to work up a sweat & I'm just glad I still can!
Hey, it's the middle of August here folks, what did you expect??
And it's been like this for most of the summer so far!
Just think of the $$ you have saved on lawn mower gas!!
I haven't started my lawn mower in almost 2 months. We had lush green lawns before it got so hot and now it is close to what you would see in the desert of El Paso. I agree at our age it feels good to do some physical work. Yesterday I jacked up my truck and changed a tire but had my walker close by so I could sit and rest a little when I needed to. I love being retired but miss being able to do many of the things I could do 15 years ago. I used to drive 850 miles every Sunday and now I avoid driving the 5 miles to town unless I really need to. But for sure I am loving life. Many of my friends and co-workers did not make it this far.
97F, dry and sunny here in Greece. It's a bit too hot for me, but someone has to tough it out here. Since it's a vacation, it's temporary. Early morning, the temperature is 76F. Evening at 10pm is still in the 90's. The week before we were in Iceland, so the high temperature was 62F, low temperature was about 48F.

Have to agree, there's only so much you can take off to cool off. But here we can take a quick dip in the Sea to cool off some. Makes it tolerable, especially with a cold beer in hand. Most drinks are free at this resort, so have to watch it. Too easy to eat and drink too much. But a cold glass of wine or beer at the beach is so nice.
I spend most of the hottest hours of the day in my boxers and flip flops. Indoors of course. LOL
Here, they seem to think tops are optional, at least at the far beach. Mid day, most people are wearing bathing suits.
Keep in mind the old joke about nothing.

"Nothing is too good for our customers, so that's what they get!"
We the willing, lead by the unknowing, have been doing so much with so little for so long that we are now fully qualified to do anything with absolutely nothing.

And then there is the old machinist procedure:

Grind to size, beat to fit and paint to match.....
I dunno about that. Last time I was in Italy the med didn’t look like water I wanted to be in…..
Well, here the water is crystal clear, with all sorts of fish and aquatic life. With standing up to your neck in the water, you can see your toes and the fish near the bottom. You must have been near a polluted area, or I'm in a rather clean area. Pretty nice here in Greece!
Well, here the water is crystal clear, with all sorts of fish and aquatic life. With standing up to your neck in the water, you can see your toes and the fish near the bottom. You must have been near a polluted area, or I'm in a rather clean area. Pretty nice here in Greece!
Last time I was in the Med it was beautiful but I was in Malta....