Had a few injuries while "working with metal", but not many in my home shop. I have had a glob of metal from a plasma cutter stick to my eyeball (had safety glasses on cutting a hole in a stainless steel kitchen hood, but a glob somehow found its way inside and fused to the white of my eye. Had to go to the truck and use the rear view mirror and a plastic ID card to "pop it off"). A Also cut my pinky finger at the palm junction severing a few tendons (slipped and had my hand on the hood, which was sharp at the area. Took 30 stitches, then 3 weeks later some surgery to reconnect the tendons).
Aside from steel splinters in the shop, the worst I have done so far is drop a steel plate (160lb) on my hand. luckily only the two middle fingers took the force, and they seem to be ok now, although it sure feels like there are loose bits inside lol.
Seems the only times that bad things seem to happen are when your attention slips a bit, or when your trying to be so careful it borders on paranoia.