Noga Mini Cool mist coolant

Also you need volume of air, not tank size to determine if you have adequate air when looking at running attachments like this. Having a compressor that puts out 15CFM at 150 psi and has a 15 gallon tank is more important than having a 100 gallon compressor that only puts out 8 CFM at 90 PSI. My compressor is 15 CFM and I have an 80 gallon tank, if I am using any of my air tools, it will run, then shut off, a smaller compressor will just run and run and slowly lose pressure.
Coolant is due to arrive today. I gotta go pick up a couple gallon distilled water and try it out. I wish the hoses were longer on the Noga mister, though. I gotta find where to buy a longer hose
I just thought of something. I'll be working in an enclosed garage with this mister running and no ventilation.
Post #12. My setup with the shop vac picking up the over-spray from the mister works well. No mist in the air. I also set the controls so I get small droplets rather that a fine mist.
Whats the best way to run fluids with out compressed air? I am thinking some sort of gravity fed dripper utilizing the flex shaft to direct coolant.