Newcomer saying Hello

Thanks SouthernChap,
yes, I have looked on lathes,uk and he has a manual for Perfecto lathes but there is no mention of which models it covers, (not that I know my model no.) and, as you said, they are a bit pricy.
I know they are clones of Myford, in my case, I believe either 1 or 2, and parts are interchangeable so that is good to know.
I've watched and earmarked a lot of the Blondiehacks videos and am learning a lot from her.
I think your model is a combination of the designs of the ML2 and ML4.

Yeah, I only read the article last night, and yeah, I've forgotten already! :oops: :big grin: Let me go look. Yep 2 and 4.

If you have a spare minute sometime, you might want to shoot some photos of your lathe, along with any details like serial number, vital statistics, etc, and what narrative about its provenance you can come up with, to Tony.

He generally welcomes any extra information on any of the lathes in the archive, and who know? He might look kindly on your efforts and give you a discount (he might not; I don't know, I've never done anything like that). :)

Yeah, Quinn is a really good educator. She's one of the few I consider worthy of Patreon support. Steve Jordan is also pretty good as is Keith Appleton; lots of good information in their videos (albeit not as entertaining as Blondihacks ;)).

Oh, and This Old Tony packs a surprising amount of education into a lot of his videos, despite the appearance of being almost compulsively driven to making jokes (and he is funny, and pretty humble too; I admit to having a bit of a man-crush on him :oops::big grin:).

Just noticed you're a Romford boy. I'm in Sussex, and I think @GrifterGuru is in the South-East too (Kent? For some reason I have the idea he's in one of the Medway towns, that might be bollocks, though), so you have some fellow members not a million miles away.

Mind you, I'm still a complete wet-behind-the-ears, practically incompetent noob (with a penchant for making bad jokes at inappropriate moments also :oops::big grin:), @GrifterGuru, has much more knowledge and experience than me I'd say, and is probably the one you should have more respect for :)

(Although his taste in push-bikes is questionable :grin: )
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Thanks for all the info SouthernChap,
I'll have another look on once I've got the lathe settled in place in the garage and up and running. I haven't looked for serial nos, yet but will do at some point.
I suppose I'm lucky in that I have a 22' by 24' garage to play in but the old problem, the more space you have the more you need has cropped up and I really need to sort it out properly.
Thanks for the info on the other knowledgable people. I have a very good friend about 20 miles away who has a Grayson lathe and has made the bagpipe parts that I intend making, so I always have him to turn to, he doesn't do forums or very much on the internet, so he's not on here.
I'll have a look at the other videos on You Tube but I think I'll stick with Blondiehacks as it can all get a bit confusing .
By the way, nor really a Romford Boy, I'm Scottish through and through (hence the bagpipes which I've played for more years than I care to remember), but have lived here a long time due to working in London, but now long retired and looks like I'm here to stay.
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Pfft...forgive us?...

You started it; all that perfectly good tea. :finger wag:

Now, we've let you play unattended for a while (just like we've let the French temporarily, back in to Calais; they're still under the impression they own it) and give or take the odd mishap, you chaps have done pretty well, but we may still choose to take you rebellious colonials back under our supervision again.


p.s. just to clarify, this is just a bit of light banter, not to be taken seriously. Supervising you lot would be akin to looking after a bunch of surly teenagers (who have easy access to intermediate calibre semi-auto firearms to boot) and trying to train cats to be useful game retrievers at the same time.:eek: Doubt it would be worth the candle. :dunno::grin::grin::grin:
besides it is always good to have friends, even better if those friends come armed, even better if they have the ability to make a lot more of those arms, not to mention the atomic part.
besides it is always good to have friends, even better if those friends come armed, even better if they have the ability to make a lot more of those arms, not to mention the atomic part.
Honestly, politico-cultural differences aside, I personally will always have a fondness for people from the US (and of course our fellow subjects of the King, Canada :)). There's a hell of a lot to admire.

Assuming the US citizen who turns up at my doorstep doesn't immediately declare alleigance to the Westboro Baptist Church or the Klan :grin:, they'll find a warm welcome at my house (and a decent cup of tea and proper chocolate too ). :)

Oh and yeah, it is handy to have the armed forces of the USA as a big brother to our little mob. :big grin:
Well, if we do, you'll all thank us for it eventually.

You'll have the benefit of full access to decent chocolate and cheese, we'll build you some roundabouts and teach you all how to use a teapot!

:big grin:

(and maybe us Brits can have the chance to shoot at least a bloody .22 rimfire pistol again, without being convicted of possession of an illegal firearm)
thanks but we have some roundabouts here, not a good idea in a country where everyone wants to do things their own way.
Tea well as long as we can put alcohol in then ok.
yea we are working really hard to keep our right to keep and bare.
like someone already said our attitude is "come and get them if you want".